"Vending Bar"

Il piacere di avere sempre disponibile
un grande prodotto ovunque ci si trovi

Today They call it Khow How 

For the last two hundred years we have kept our fathers’ knowledge alive, enriching it for our children. Being guardians of a tradition does not give us the alibi to stop being surprised...

his story begins in the early nineteenth century with an old "factory of milling art" which even then produced bread and pasta.

It continues in 1920 when Orlando Grondona began collecting family recipes and putting them into the small notebook of good things, simple because they were natural and therefore timeless. His work notes have become a reference point and a wealth of knowledge.
Between the pages of the black notebook he kept the traditional recipes given to him by local housewives in confidence, their secrets and observations on the techniques of mixing, cooking and maintaining the mother yeast.

Our history is based on tradition, but also on research, on not settling for things easily and on waiting. We continue to take notes whilst exploring the flavours of raw materials from around the world in order to seek excellence. We wait for the best loads, we give up offering recipes if the time is not ripe. We choose and this frees us to churn out quality.

We have chosen to work on regional recipes, the traditional Genoese ones. The route is in the sense of things. And although structures have evolved, reaching today’s technologically advanced establishment, the meaning of things is not lost. The recipes for Antica Genova ® cakes and biscuits have remained intact over time and our tacit knowledge is continuing its story.

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